Business, Management and Education is the semiannual peer-review journal published by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) Press since 2003.
The Journal publishes original scientific papers on the latest empirical and theoretical research conducted either at the national or international level dealing with various aspects of economics, business and high education management.
The Journal is designed for publishing articles in the following fields of research:
– Regional competitiveness through investment efficiency;
– Production economics and management;
– Innovation management;
– Financial engineering;
– Financial institution management in times of economic turbulence;
– Social and economical environment of business development;
– Sustainable enterprise;
– Higher Education Management.
Business, Management and Education provides an excellent opportunity to reach out to an international audience of academic researchers, world-wide industry practitioners and government policy makers.
All articles published in the journal are freely accessible online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers.
To submit the manuscript, please register in the system as an author and fill in the application.
The reviewing process takes up to 6 week and 4 weeks to publish online after acceptance of the manuscript. All published articles will be assigned DOI provided by CrossRef.
Journal history: In 2003–2010 eight issues of research proceedings of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University „Verslas, vadyba ir studijos“ (Business, Management and Education) were published (1 issue per year).
Since 2010 the publication has been reorganized into a research journal „Business, Management and Education“, 1 volume of 2 issues per year, and proceeded volume numeration. The journal is published online since 2010.
The papers published in Business, Management and Education journal are abstracted/indexed by: EBSCOhost: Academic Search Complete; ERIH PLUS; ProQuest: Ulrich’s, SummonTM; C.E.E.O.L (Central and Eastern European Online Library); DOAJ and IndexCopernicus international databases, Google Scholar, GALE Academic OneFile.
Editorial correspondence should be addressed to:
Prof. Dr Jurgita Raudeliūnienė
Managing Editor
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Saulėtekio al. 11 - 0618, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania
E-mail: bme@vgtu.lt
Enquires to VGTU Press should be addressed to:
Eleonora Dagienė, Director
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,
Saulėtekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania
Phone: +370 5 2745038, Fax: +370 5 2370602
Email: eleonora.dagiene@vgtu.lt
Regarding print subscription please contact books@vgtu.lt

Business, Management and Education ISSN 2029-7491, eISSN 2029-6169
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License.